Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Where will I be able to test out massage chairs?

The Sharper Image has declared bankruptcy. Although I am not much of a shopper (or should I say purchaser) I always appreciated my time in their stores looking at egg alarm clocks, fancy schmancy bbq tools and the one product I most coveted, the executive valet charging station (hint hint).


Anonymous said...

Have never been to a Sharper Image store, but just today got the latest Hammacher Schlemmer catalogue -- maybe they can fill the gap. Have also never made a comment on a blog. I have read all your entries and am totally gobsmacked by your "blogsite". Your technical finesse is sure to make you infinitely more employable than you think. Also, my son has the annoying habit of changing my wallpaper with predictably "hilarious" results. That's it for this lengthy, first comment.


Unknown said...

You can should try massage chair. A vending massage chair is so helpful with stress. Benefits of a massage chair is uncountable.