Friday, March 28, 2008

Quidnunc Chemotherapy Fractions.....

Yesterday was another important fraction day - 3/4 of the second round of chemo is now over for Miguel. That is right - in this last cycle .....9 down, 3 more to go.....that means by the end of April he will be finished this last round of treatments. He is doing pretty well - tired and energyless....and he does miss his moustache and his thick head of hair.... But the countdown is on.....

Funnily enough, he had to translate for a Hispanic patient again yesterday. The patient was experiencing radiating pain throughout his body - he not only had a voice box and couldn't speak, but his family spoke no English. This has happened many times in the hospital and treatment rooms - patients who can't communicate with the staff. The staff is always very grateful when he is around and can help out....

3/4 of the way through..........yippeeee.......


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful number! Our thoughts continue to be with both of you.
Hospitals must be such a frightening place when you can not communicate.
Sending our best wishes.
Nora and Michael

Anonymous said...

Just think -- by the end of April this will be behind both of you. Spring will be in full bloom in Wichita and Miquel's head will start sprouting too.

Delicious Mexican breakfasts can't be too far off.