Thursday, February 21, 2008

There Will be too much Blood (for me)

I love movies. Every year I try to see all the award nominated movies and well reviewed movies (as well as many other lesser lauded movies). I love movies. Well – not all movies. This year I just couldn’t bring myself to see two of the “Best Movie” nominations: There will be Blood and No Country for Old Men. I reached my annual allowable quota of violence watching Eastern Promises (which I watched on DVD and left the room during the steam room violence), The Assassination of Jesse James, 3:10 to Yuma and Gone Baby Gone. I stopped watching American Gangster after the first scene, when some unlucky character is doused in gasoline and set on fire. I have nothing against movies that contain violence, I just don’t want to see them. So – do I think Juno or Atonement should win? I don’t know – I haven’t seen all the movies nominated (see above reasons). Luckily I’m not participating in an Oscar contest.... Did you see all the movies? One thing for sure, I'll be watching the Oscars - every minute of them.

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