Saturday, March 29, 2008

More on Roget – Lists as Therapy……….

For those wanting to know more about the polymath, Paul Mark Roget, a new narrative non-fiction book has been published "The Man Who Made Lists" - a study of Roget's life (1779 to 1869) based on diaries, letters and even an autobiography composed of lists.

According to this new biography – making lists saved Roget’s life by keeping him from succumbing to the depression and misery of those in his immediate family.

His mother suffered dark depressions and tried to dominate his life. His sister and daughter had severe mental problems, his father and wife died young and a beloved uncle committed suicide in his arms. "As a boy he stumbled upon a remarkable discovery -- that compiling lists of words could provide solace, no matter what misfortunes may befall him," claims the author.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting that lists saved him. I have a couple friends who are clinically ill and lists seem to be very important to them. There does not appear to be a book imminent but it does seem to help keep them grounded.
Will look for the book.