Sunday, December 13, 2009

Insert your own Tiger Woods/golfing joke here

Any follower of my blog knows how I feel about cheating spouses. The fact that one can cheat, doesn't mean one should cheat. I agree with Rachel Maddow, that what one does in their private life is their own business except .......except.... when there is base hypocrisy. When conservative or anti-gay proponents get caught, then their hypocrisy deserves to be exposed. When politicans try to capitalize on their family values - boom - expose the hypocrisy. So what to say about Tiger?

The New York Post reports today that taking a year away from golf will cost Tiger Woods $180 million in lost endorsements, tournament winnings and appearance fees -- about $15 million per floozy. At Christmas parties last night, Tiger-talk was ubiquitous - a great conversation piece for men and women alike. The media must have known about Tiger's behaviour for years - fellow golfers too.... Would this be public if he hadn't try to leave his home and crashed his car?

The quantity and quality of his dalliances is monumental for a man married only 4 years. Watching how many women are trying to capitalize on their affairs is pathetic and don't get me started on how cheating with married men is a feminist issue.... I feel sorry for Tiger's wife and family - his foibles were his own private business, but man oh man, is this gonna cost him.

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