Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Stick with me people.....

The worst has happened - I haven't had a computer for the last week - and there is a chance, a more than slim chance that I might be without a computer for another week or so....the horror, the horror....
It isn't that moving has been so horrible, or that I don't have any time to blog- I have no computer. My hard drive broke (no problem says Dell, we will send you another one)......but when the hard drive arrived and we tried to unscrew the screws to replace the hard drive, one screw won't budge......(no problem says Dell, just send in the whole laptop and we will fix in 8 to 10 days)...... Have you ever SEEN me without computer access? It isn't a pretty sight......
Tomorrow a miracle could happen in computer world, but I am afraid to jinx it....but if you see me posting tomorrow night with photos and updates and my Giveaway - you will know that the world is turning as it should and I will be in computer heaven.
All is well here - I have lots of things for the Giveaway and I will be posting as soon as I can ........ In the meantime, I do recommend that you see Barney's Version - Paul Giamatti is great and the movie does a great job showing Montreal and Canada as seen by Mordecai Richler. I have also loved The King's Speech and The Social Network ..... and no, I am not going to see Black Swan - I just don't think it is my thing.....
Come back soon for more me get rid of my stuff!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how can you have stuff???? i fought i pleaded i packed....all things you needed you said....& now you have stuff????
older meaner sister